Tips for Better Contracting

  • April 2nd, 2023
  • in News

Did you know that correctly completed Contract Start Date and Contract End Date are required fields in the Procurement Contract Portal? These dates are used in multiple University reports and should always be accurate. Unless specifically included in the document, the date you upload your contract to the portal is not considered your contract start date.

Not sure where to find the dates in your agreement? Look for the following key words:

  • Effective Date
  • Term
  • Beginning
  • Date of Commencement
  • Commencing on

Please feel free to reach out to Contract Management at if you have any questions regarding your start and end dates.

Campus Map Features

  • October 1st, 2020
  • in News

Last year we mentioned what a useful tool the UA Campus Map can be for learning about ongoing construction projects as well as the history of campus buildings. In addition, the map also has sorting and filtering features to show parking areas as well as their designations, routes for Crimson Ride, bicycle racks, air compressor/repair stations, and even electric vehicle charging stations.  The map also lists points of interest such as historical markers, landmarks, and museums.  Whether you’re new to UA or have spent years on campus, you’re sure to find something you didn’t know on the Campus Map.

Check out Building Bama

  • March 2nd, 2020
  • in News

Our partners in Campus Development have launched a new website with all sorts of useful information about construction projects at UA.  Building Bama is a one-stop source to stay informed about what’s under construction now and what’s planned for the future.  The Capital Projects Portal has renderings, schedules and lots more about current and future capital projects.  You can also find info on road closures, the occasional live stream, and more.

General Capital Project Information for the New Tutwiler Residence Hall

Did you know that UA’s Campus Map Provides Info on Current and Future Construction Projects?

  • October 2nd, 2019
  • in News

The UA campus map is a great resource for getting around, whether you walk, bike, drive, or take Crimson Ride.  The map also has tons of information and history about all the academic buildings, student housing, and other facilities we use every day.

But did you know it’s also a great way to stay informed about UA construction projects? When you click the “Construction” section in the left-hand menu, the map will show both ongoing and planned projects.  Current projects are highlighted in blue, while future projects are shown in green.  Clicking a project on the map will display information about it.  For some projects, this includes renderings of the finished addition or renovation.  In addition, the map also shows locations of temporary road closures and other campus impacts necessary due to ongoing work.

What exactly is Construction Contracts & Compliance?

  • April 1st, 2019
  • in News

Of all the branches of Procurement, Construction Contracts & Compliance is probably the least well-known among UA Faculty and Staff. This is because Construction Contracts & Compliance has a very specific mission – compliance with state and federal law for construction projects.

The Alabama Public Works law, found in Title 39 of the Code of Alabama, governs what we commonly refer to as “construction.” The Public Works law is distinct from the Alabama bid law, found in Title 41, which governs the purchase of other goods and services.

Construction Contracts & Compliance’s task is to see that the advertising, bidding, and award of construction contracts complies with Title 39. We strive to promote free and open competition so that public funds are used efficiently and UA gets a quality end product.

In addition to construction contracts, we also administer contracts for professional service providers such as architects and engineers. Contract Administration is also responsible for compliance with any federal requirements when UA receives a grant for construction.